Fish-Scouting Department is a subdivision in Atlantic branch of Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (AtlantNIRO) that provides fishery monitoring in the areas of the Atlantic Ocean and south-eastern part of the Pacific, including: 

- provision with the oceanographic information; 
- short-term forecasts of the fishing conditions; 
- drawing up reference and information materials. 

We provide the State Committee for Fisheries of the Russian Federation with required information. Leading fishery enterprises in Kaliningrad, Murmansk and foreign companies are among our partners. 


Fishing areas for monitoring and information support of fishing




Ice monitoring on toothfish and krill fisheries in Antarctic

  • Ice Monitoring in the Antarctic area of Pacific oceanIce drift in the Antarctic area of Pacific ocean
  • Amundsen Sea Ice MonitoringIce conditions in the Amundsen Sea on the toothfish fishery
  • Ice Monitoring in the Atlantic area of Antarctic oceanIce conditions in the Antarctic Peninsula area on the krill fishery
  • Ice Monitoring in the Bellingshausen SeaIce conditions in the Bellingshausen Sea on the toothfish fishery
  • Ice Monitoring in the Ross SeaIce conditions in the Ross Sea on the toothfish fishery




Sea Surface Temperature Monitoring

Sample information, updated weekly.


  • Monitoring of SST in the South-East Baltic SeaSST South-East Baltic Sea
  • Monitoring of SST in the Barents SeaSST in the Barents Sea
  • Monitoring of SST in the Faroe IslandsSST Faroe islands
  • Monitoring of SST in the Kuril Islands areaSST Kuril Islands
  • Monitoring of SST in the EEZ of MauritaniaSST in the EEZ of Mauritania
  • Monitoring of SST in the EEZ of MoroccoSST in the EEZ of Marocco
  • Monitoring of SST in the Norwegian SeaSST the Norwegian Sea